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Born in 1988, Wilson Arrieta is an Argentine visual artist recently starting to reside in Poland. Graduated from Superior Institute of Fine Arts in Resistencia at age 20, his background speaks of a commitment with underground scenes and independent artistic gatherings. In these environments, he became involved in projects which diverted from visual arts alone, to include music, poetry and acting.


His drawings, acrylics and oils try to depict ethereal and surreal states of the mind as well as concrete realistic scenery. Human figure plays a major role in most of Arrieta's works and it's displayed with an emphasis in volume and contrast.


Theatrical lights out-line Arrieta's debauched and outlandishly pariah-like characters into a three-dimensional context, sometimes a metaphysical hallucinatory landscape, sometimes a faithfully detailed, realistic testimony of streets and dens and other mundane corners.


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